Imprint for Phil Petter GmbH & Co KG

Company Wording: PHIL PETTER GmbH & Co KG
Object of the company: Knitting Manufactory
VAT-Number: ATU 61150836
Company register: FN 14840 z
Commercial court: Landesgericht Feldkirch
HQ address: Sitz: 6850 Dornbirn
Adress Sala 17, 6850 Dornbirn
Contact (Tel, Fax, E-Mail): Tel. +43 5572 23102, Fax. +43 5572 23102 20, E-mail
Memberships at the Economic Chamber organization: Member of WKÖ
Applicable legislation and access to it: trade Regulations:
Authority/trade authority: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Dornbirn
Berufsbezeichnung: Manufaktur
Verleihungsstaat: Meisterprüfung abgelegt in Österreich

Personally liable partner:
Phil Petter GmbH & Co KG
Company with limited liability

Information on online dispute resolution:
Headquater: 6850 Dornbirn
FN 14840 z
FB-court: Landesgericht Feldkirch

Consumers have the opportunity to submit complaints to the EU’s online dispute resolution platform: You can also address any complaint to the above e-mail address.